-Donate Materials

Gifts of books and other materials to the library are appreciated and use of gifts will be determined by the staff.

Gifts are tax deductible. However, donors must appraise the value of items themselves as library staff is unable to perform value appraisals.

Receipts are available upon request.

The library staff reserves the right to decline gifts and decide when a gift added to the collection will be withdrawn.

Gifts and Donations Policy

Due to Iowa law,
All donations are final.

Materials Checklist

While donations are appreciated, the library cannot accept all materials.  Please use this checklist to determine whether or not to donate an item.

The following items will not be accepted:

  • Items not legally owned by the donor
  • Items in formats that are not also available in the library
  • Medical books
  • Materials from other libraries
  • Magazines older than 6 months
  • Encyclopedias
  • Moldy, musty, odorous, or water damaged items
  • Dirty items
  • Items marked by pens, pencils, crayons, or highlighters
  • Physically damaged items